


  • To support Christian home schooling parents, and their children who desire an opportunity for their children to participate in organized, and progressively competitive sports.
  • To provide an opportunity for young men and women to be a public testimony of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their personal lives and as the Body of Christ.
  • To develop and instill Christian character qualities with challenges provided through team membership and competition.
  • To provide the opportunity to work as a team, to dedicate themselves to the success of others and to personal excellence.
  • To utilize organized sports as a vehicle for developing important life skills, such as: cooperation, leadership, service, communication, and organization.
  • To provide an opportunity for young men and women to dedicate and develop their physical talents and gifts for the glory of God.
  • To provide the opportunity for young men and women to develop athletic skills in a variety of athletic disciplines.

The official JAHE Patriots motto is Philippians 3:14, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

The JAHE Patriots operates as a function and outgrowth of the Jackson Area Home Educators (JAHE) and is structured as a branch-board of JAHE. The JAHE Patriots will function in good faith without unnecessary intervention of the JAHE Board, but will, however, be subject to JAHE for general supervision and control.

Each participant must:

  • be home schooled for at least 50% of their classes at the time of participation. Home schooling is defined as being taught at home by the student’s parents, grandparents, adult sibling or guardian. Home schooling also includes being taught by another home schooling parent, tutor or through high school correspondence courses and co-ops which are under the direct supervision of the parent(s). College courses, vocational/technical classes and classes taken at a Private/Christian/Public school are not considered home schooled classes;
  • maintain at least a 2.0 ( or "C") average during the active season. Methods for monitoring shall be left to the parents of the athlete and it shall be the parents responsibility to inform the coach if their child is not meeting this standard;
  • be a member of JAHE;
  • be 18 years or younger on September 1st of the current year;
  • sign and return registration form and medical ID card to team coach; and
  • pay player fee (collected at pre-season parent meeting).

Please Note:

For liability reasons, you must be a JAHE member family in order to try-out or participate on the team. Medical forms will also need to be completed.

It is our intent to offer the following sports each season, however the number of participants and the availability of coaches determines whether a given sport will be offered in a given season:

  • Women’s Basketball (7th grade thru 12th)
  • Women’s Instructional Volleyball (6th grade thru 9th)
  • Women’s Varsity Volleyball (9th grade thru 12th)
  • Men’s Jr. High Basketball (6th grade thru 8th)
  • Men’s JV Basketball (9th grade thru 11th)
  • Men’s Varsity Basketball (9th grade thru 12th)

Please read the attached article (below) from November 2007 and follow the hygiene practices suggested.

If you are a participant in JAHE Sports, you can offset some of your player fees by getting ads for the player program for your team. The application is at the bottom of this page, and is self-explanatory. The deadline for submission is listed as August 31 because of the volleyball program (the season starts in September), but the deadline for other sports will be closer to their season.

If interested in coaching, assisting, or participating in the JAHE Patriots Athletic program, please email the JAHE Patriots Athletic Director, leave a voice message at (517) 783-9378 or send a letter requesting information about Sports Teams to:

Jackson Area Home Educators
P.O. Box 6380
Jackson, MI 49204

Contact information for coaches are available in the members-only section. Practices and games may be looked up on the calendar.